So it’s been a rough few months (pun intended š ) and my feet have been feeling it. I’m religious about getting a pedicure. Although I know I know how to care for my feet at home, I really enjoy getting a pedicure. But as many of us face a new reality of wearing masks to go outdoors and kids at home while working from home, I have come to enjoy the simple pleasures at home. Taking care of my feet while at home is one of them.
It’s really simple. I took to Pinterest to find ways to use products I have at home to take care of my feet because buying an expensive foot spa treatment system is not something I want to plan for. The Listerine foot soak probably caught my attention because I know I have all these products at home. Any antiseptic mouth wash will do, but I did hear that blue or green ones make your feet discolored for a short time. It’s inexpensive and I’m not going out of my way to give my feet some TLC. I kept seeing Listerine Foot Soak when I looked up foot care or diy pedicure and though to myself, well just try it already!
IT MADE MY FEET FEEL EXACTLY HOW A PEDICURE FEELS. Game changer status. Look for yourself in this before and after image.

So let’s share some home remedies because I did not come up with this myself. I’m sure moms and grandmothers for generations have been scrubbing their feet with mouthwash and vinegar for years and we’ve been over here thinking we need to go to the salon for a pedicure.

Step 1: Make your foot soak
I cup Listerine (or any antiseptic mouthwash). I used the yellow kind because I read that the blue or green one may temporarily stain your foot.
1 cup vinegar (white or apple cider). I used white vinegar because I rather ingest my apple cider vinegar. You can find it any any grocery store.
2 cups warm water. My water was hotter than warm.
Step 2: What to soak it in? (Well…this is kind of step 1 as well.)
I have a two sided container I use to put my cleaning products in. Because this was a let’s try this out kind of project, I just took my supplies out and used the container as a diy foot spa. It was perfect. Even my husband’s feet could fit them, so men, this is foot care for you too.
Step 3: Enjoy then scrub!
I soaked my feet for 30 minutes. You can probably get away with a little less and I’m sure keeping your feet in there for an hour wouldn’t hurt either, especially if your feet need some extra TLC.
I put my kids to bed and did this before bed. It was very relaxing in addition to being a great way to scrub my feet. Self care plus.
Step 4: Remember I said scrub!
Use your favorite foot file, pumice stone, or brush and scrub your feet. You will see the dead skin fall off easily. If you didn’t get your feet as well as you would like, repeat treatment in a few days or the next day.
Aftercare: simple!
Rub your feet with your favorite lotion. My go to for my feet is a combination of coconut oil and Doterra tea tree essential oil.
I think I’m officially hooked on DIY footcare and will be taking on more at home remedies that my feet love! Pro tip: I used this ratio but used more than the ratio since I had a two sided container.